Communicating Speech and Developing self confidence in public speaking

Communicating Speech and Developing self confidence in public speaking


 این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید


مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است


1.1.  Developing Self-Confidence  

             It refers to make yourself sure that you can do something well. Fright, nervousness and anxiety are natural that everyone feels while speaking a large number of people. You do not only have this problem. This is something very common and seems natural. As you know about your first speech, You may find helpful to understand what goes on when one person talk to another. Regardless of the kind of speech communication involved, there are seven elements –speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation. Here we shall focus so briefly. (Schnell, 1992)

1: speaker: The Person who presenting an oral message to a listener.

2: Message: Whatever a speaker communicates to someone else.

3: channel: The means by which a message is communicated.

4: Listener: The person who receives the speaker’s message.

5: feedback: The message, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker.

6: Interference: Anything that impedes the communication of a message. Interference can be     external or internal to listeners.

  1. 7: Situation: The time and place in which speech communication occurs. (Adnan, 1989)

1. 2. How to Reducing of Stage Fright?

  one of the major concerns of students in any speech class is stage fright If you are worried about stage fright, you may feel better knowing that you are alone. A 2001 Gallup poll asked American to list their greatest fears forty present identified speaking before a group as their top fear, exceeded only by the 51persent who said they were afraid of snakes. 

            If your heart is beating, it’s soon repeating and waiting for the negative response from the audience, the reason is stress and pressure that you hold from the audience side.

  • If you want to eliminate the fear, follow the followings:
  • Get your attention off yourself
  • Assume that the audience want you to succeed
  • Engage your audience
  • Main eye-contact
  • Be provocative
  • Be challenging
  • Change the volume of your voice
  • Grab the dais with both hands to avoid shivering
  • Rehearse a lot and get yourself familiar with all the equipment
  • Take a deep breath before you step to the stage

Have enough knowledge about the demographics.

1 .3 . How to Control Presentation Anxiety:

 (anxiety is a strong feeling of worry about something) It’s normal to feel anxious about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or taking a test. This type of anxiety is unpleasant, but it may motivate you to work harder and to do a better job. Ordinary anxiety is a feeling that comes and goes, but does not interfere with your everyday life. In the case of an anxiety disorder, the feeling of fear may be with you all the time. It is intense and sometimes debilitating. This type of anxiety may cause you to stop doing things you enjoy. In extreme cases, it may prevent you from entering an elevator, crossing the street, or even leaving your home. If left untreated, the anxiety will keep getting worse. Anxiety disorders are the most common form of emotional disorder and can affect anyone at any age. According to the American Psychiatric Association, women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. (Tuner, 1989)

1 .4 . Talk Yourself Out of Negative Thoughts

  • Identify your fears
  • Replace your fears with positive thoughts

Identifying and knowing the causes of fear cannot reduce your anxiety. Some other strategies are needed to be improved. Some of them are as the following:
1 .5 . Plan and Prepare:

            Preparation is one of the significant parts of the public speaking and it is the nfident on your subject matter. Practice and preparation tells you where do you have the problems and what you have to do with before you actually face with them while having a speech. While planning a presentation it is important to consider the following:
1. What is the objective of the presentation?
2. Who is the audience? Why do they need to listen to this presentation?
3. What is the data needed and how is it to be collected?
4. What is the structure of the presentation?
5. What is the duration of the presentation?
6. What are the visual aids required?
7. Where is the presentation going to be, and what are the facilities available? (Adnan, 1989)

1. 6. Use Audio and Visual Aids:

          Audio and visual aids can make your speech interesting and attractive for the audience and you will feel less worry about what other people think about you. You will feel that all the audience are not just looking at me and some of their concentration is to the pictures and visual aids. In this case you will easily and confidently deliver what you have to the audience. When you prepare the speech try to practice your speech with your colloquies, family, and with small group of people that you are already free with them and ask them for feedback. This will assist you feel confident when you face your real audience.

1.7 Breathe Deeply and Slowly

            This is the society’s oldest trick for exposing stress. This help us feel relax. So take deep breath. Let it out slowly. Do it over and over until you feel calmer. Listeners are also involved in giving the confident to the speaker. Here are some of the useful suggestions for the audience.

1.8 Suggestions for Listeners

          Give the Speaker Positive Reinforcement.  Expose yourself that you are interested from time in them what they are saying. Persuade and motivate them. Look at the speakers and nod your head to time while they are talking. This will help give them confidence and put them at ease.

1.9 Ask Questions after the Speech

          If the speakers asked after the speech it means that the speech was interesting and practical for the audience and it means that the audience is interested in their topics and would like to know more, and the other hand it is very discouraging when a presenter asks “Does anyone have any question?” and no one arise.

  1. Methods for Preparing and Presenting Speech

We can choose one of the following three methods to prepare and present our speech.

1: Picture Story

2: The old Bag Speech

3: Speech Preparation Worksheet (Schnell, 1992)

1.11. A Picture Story:

            In a picture story, think that you have a photo album. And your eyes move photo to photo and it and recall different event in your life. This album can make it possible to talk naturally and comfortably in front of a group of people. By seeing a picture you will be able to remember what you want to say then you can talk in front of your audience in a relaxed manner. For example refer to the book.
1 . 12. The Old Bag Speech:

            In this method a speaker uses four props. Your bag and the items in it will be your outline. Select the bag that is meaningful and important to you for some reason. It can be suitcase, a briefcase, a black bag, a duffle bag etc. choose three items that say about your past, present, and future and hide them in your bag. Choose one item that is personally meaningful to you and help your audience to know more about you show special interests, and goals in life.

     An item symbolizes your life. And explain why the bag that you hold the item in is worth to you. Example is in the book. (What represent present, past, and future)

1 .13. Speech Preparation Worksheet

            Preparation and worksheet is used with question and answer to help you arrange your thoughts. Such as what is your name? Where are you from? How long have you been in this country? Etc. When you delivering your speech, a quick look at the worksheet will remind you what to say about yourself. (Schnell, 1992)


  • 2.3.1Objective information:

   Is information which is not influenced by your own feelings? It includes observable or factual information.

  • 2.3.2Subjective information:

   Is information which is influenced by your feelings or personal opinions rather than facts.
2.3.3Pronunciation Tips

  • 2.3.4Sentence stress:

    Incorrect stress is unnatural and if stress is correctly so when you pronounce a word your sound will be like native speaker.

  • 2.3.5Content word: The important word in a sentence or, are those word that convey meaning, we usually stress them when we are speaking ex. (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, question word)
  • 2.3.6Function words:

Are those words, which don’t carry as much meaning as content words and are less important? We usually don’t stress them when we are speaking.
Ex: articles and prepositions

1.14. Delivering Your Message

During your career, you need to communicate and share your ideas with the people you interact and most often such communication and sharing of ideas are formal. Such formal sharing of ideas is known as presentation. The act of delivering a formal spoken communication in a nation or in a language is called speech. (Thomson,2002)

3.1Different Modes of Speech Delivery or Ways of Delivering Oral Presentation

The Manuscript Delivery or Reading: In this method, speakers read from the paper. Today speakers on television often read from a teleprompter, a device allowing them to read their words directly from a script passing in front of the camera lens.

3.3Memorization:    Few speakers today memorize complete speeches. Nor should they. Often, the first few words of a statement can be memorized, but recalling a long speech is difficult and is prohibited. (Adnan, 1989)

Impromptu:    In many occasions, we are invited as either audience or one of the chief guests. It’s more possible that the host will call upon us to appear on the stage and comment on the program, evaluate the results, to do the honor of handing the awards and prizes. We shall be ready to speak a few words regarding the occasion. Thus, it is imperative for all the invited audience to have some knowledge pertaining to the subject and occasion (Tuner, 1989)

خلاصه تحقیق

What is confidence? What is the difference between being confident and over confident? You really do not have to overreact or use a fake accent just to show that you are confident. Trust me; by doing so, you would spoil the show. What is the need of copying others? Aren’t we capable enough to handle our audience? You really do not need to worry if you know you are correct. Self-confidence is crucial in public speaking

پروژه های انجام شده

ما با تجربه‌ای گسترده در تحقیق، نویسندگی و ترجمه، پروژه‌های متعددی را با دقت، کیفیت بالا و استانداردهای علمی به انجام رسانده‌ایم.

خدمات ویژه

نگارش و تنظیم مونوگراف و تیزس ترجمه تخصصی مقالات و کتاب‌ها چاپ مقالات در ژورنال‌های معتبر برای دریافت مشاوره و همکاری ما در این پروژه ویژه، با ما تماس بگیرید! مشاوره دریافت کنید
چالش های حک.ومت داری الکترونیک در غزنی
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

دسترسي كشورهاي درحال توسعه به انواع منابع جديد انرژي، براي توسعه اقتصادي آنها اهميت اساسي دارد و پژوهش هاي جديد نشان داده كه بين سطح توسعه يك كشور و ميزان مصرف انرژي آن، رابطه مستقيمي برقرار است. با توجه به ذخاير محدود انرژي فسيلي و افزايش سطح مصرف انرژي در جهان فعلي، ديگر نمي توان به منابع موجود انرژي متكي بود.

بررسی کاربرد هوش مصنوعی در شبکه های کمپیوتری
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

هدف اصلی هوش مصنوعی ایجاد ماشین ‌هایی است که بتوانند یادگیری و هوش انسان را شبیه‌سازی کنند. از آن زمان و به مرور این تعریف گسترده ساختار پیچیده‌ تری پیدا کرده است. هوش مصنوعی در حال تغییر بازی امنیت سایبری، تجزیه و تحلیل مقادیر زیادی از داده های خطرناک برای سرعت پاسخگویی و افزایش عملیات امنیتی با منابع کم است.

بررسی سیستم عامل جدید موبایل و تبلت ها
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

یکی از جدیدترین دستاوردهای بشر در عرص ه فناور ی هوش مصنوع ی چت GPT م یباشد. این تکنولوژی ب ا درک زبان طبیعی انسان و ارائه پاس خهای دقیق به پرسشهای مطرح شده م یتواند انقلابی در AI ایجاد کند. امروزه هو ش مصنوعی به بخش عمد ه و جدایی ناپذیر زندگی انسا ن ه ا تبدی ل شد ه اس ت که کم کهای زیاد ی در حوز ههای مختل ف مانند : هو ا فضا، طب ی و ماشینسازی به م ا کرده است.

بررسی GPT-3
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اگرچه GPT-2 در زمان خودش دستاورد مهمی محسوب میشد، ب هخاطر دسترسی به مجموعه داده محدود و تنها ۱٫۵ میلیارد پارامتر، در تولید متنهایی که بعد از چند پاراگراف تکراری و خست هکننده نشوند، قدرت مانور زیادی نداشت. ولی نسخه سوم این مدل) GPT-3 ( با ۱۷۵ میلیارد پارامتر در سال ۲۰۲۰ در فاز بتا عرضه شد؛ هرچند در اقدامی خلاف سیاستهای شرکت، کد منبع آن هرگز دراختیار عموم قرار نگرفت

امضای دیجیتال و اهمیت آن
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امضای دیجیتال نوعی رمزنگاری نامتقارن است که خصوصیات امضای دستی را در فضای الکترونیکی فراهم می‌کند. هر موجودیت منحصر به فرد در فضای مجازی دارای امضای دیجیتالی خاص خود است و تنها این موجودیت یا فرد قادر به تولید این امضاست

Small Cell در نسل پنجم
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انتظار میرود که تقاضا برای دیتا در سال های بعد از 2020 هزار برابر و تا سال 2025 ده هزار برابر شود. ارتباطات بیسیم فعلی که بر اساس رادیو فریکونسی است اشباع گردیده توانایی پاسخ گویی به این میزان تقاضایی که وجود دارد را ندارد. در این جاست که ضرورت به استندرد جدید به وجود می آید، که آن استندرد جدید نسل پنجم (5G) شبکه های بیسیم است. برای اقناع نیاز به دیتا ریت و ظرفیت بالا در شبکه نسل پنجم یکی از راه حل های مؤثر کوچک کردن سل است.

سیستم عامل های کامپیوتر
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از سالها قبل به وضوح مشخص بود که باید روش هایی یافت که برنامه نویسان را از پیچیدگی های سخت افزار دور نگه دارد. تلاشهای گسترده، منجر به ایجاد یک لایه نرم افزاری روی سخت افزار شد که همه اجزای سیستم را کنترل نموده و کار برنامه نویسان را راحت تر کند، که با ایجاد سیستم عامل این کار آسان شد

نگاهی به اوضاع جغرافیایی و فرهنگی ولایت هرات
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این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید وتسپ:۰۷۹۹۱۱۸۸۳۱ مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است ---------------------------------------------

موقعیت جغرافیای چین
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مملکت چین از طرف شمال به مغلستان از طرف شمال شرق به روسیه و کوریای شمالی از شرق به بحیره زرد از جنوب شرق به بحیره چین جنوبی و ویتنام از طرف جنوب به لاوس ، برما ، اسام ، هند ، بوتان و نیپال از طرف جنوب غرب به کشمیر ( هند )، از مغرب به افغانستان ، تاجکستان ، قرغزستان از طرف شمال غربی جمهوری قزاقستان محدود است کشور چین را میتوان به سه سر زمین به شرح ذیل تقسیم کرد
