


 این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید


مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است


Chapter 1: Health  

1 . 1 . Become healthy with sports

Many countries are working to improve their health-care services, but better health services alone will not improve health outcomes. The health of individuals and populations is determined to a significant degree by social factors such as poverty, income inequality, education, employment, housing, gender and social connectedness. These social determinants of health produce widespread inequities in health within and between societies.4 The poor and the disadvantaged experience worse health than the rich and powerful, have less access to services and die younger in all societies.5 Social factors have a direct impact on health status and must be addressed as part of any comprehensive health strategy. Strategies also need to be tailored to the diverse and evolving needs of each country and its specific social, economic and cultural contexts. T.her includes giving attention to the conditions that account for the greatest current and anticipated burden of disease and mobilizing resources to confront them. Sport’s unique and universal power to attract, motivate and inspire makes it a highly effective tool for engaging and empowering individuals, communities and even countries to take action to improve their health. Sport can also be a powerful means of mobilizing more resources in the global fight against disease, but t.her potential is only just beginning to be realized. Sport generates health benefits in two primary ways — through direct participation in sport itself, and through the use of participatory and spectator sport as a platform for communication, education and social mobilization. Well-designed sport for health initiatives often work on both levels.[3]

Increasing physical activity levels Because physical inactivity is a primary risk factor driving the global increase in chronic disease, sport can play a critical role in slowing the spread of chronic diseases, reducing their social and economic burden, and saving lives. While physical activity includes a broader range of activities than sport alone (people can be physically active at work or engaged in domestic tasks at home), direct participation in sport is one of the most enjoyable, and therefore powerful, means of motivating and mobilizing people to holistic and integrated manner can sport achieve development results. It is important to recognize that society’s ills can be found in sport environments, as in all other social domains. Behaviors such as exclusion, tolerance of violent rivalry among opposing teams and their supporters, and emphasizing winning at any cost, can discourage sport participation. These behaviors can also undermine the positive values of sport, offer negative role models to young people, rob sport of its power to connect and strengthen individuals and communities, and undermine attempts to use sport to communicate important health messages. Sport for health programs must therefore be carefully designed to guard against these risks. Sport and physical activity can have associated health risks. These risks can include injury from overexertion, unsafe playing conditions, lack of appropriate training and safety equipment, sport violence on the field, and violence at mass sport events. In high-performance sport, the use of illegal performance-enhancing substances (doping) poses additional health risks. Prolonged exercise can also increase risk of upper respiratory tract infections and negatively affect people who are not accustomed to such activity.8 Risk from exercise arises when people of all fitness levels engage in heavy exertion, but is greatest when inactive people suddenly become highly active.9In some cases, therefore, additional physical activity may not be recommended and may even prove detrimental to health. [4]



1 . 2 . Exercise duration

As more governments start to work on increasing physical activity levels, the question of what constitutes an appropriate level of physical activity arises. Providing simple recommendations to the public is difficult because of the variety of exercise that can be undertaken and the number of possible health outcomes. Prescriptions are further complicated by genetic differences between individuals which affect their physiological response to exercise and yield substantial variations in fitness-related benefits. Scientific evidence indicates that physical activity of moderate intensity (e.g., brisk walking) is sufficient to produce many health benefits in large portions of populations.38 Experts suggest that 30–60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, 3–5 times a week benefits blood pressure and hypertension, blood lipids and lipoproteins, blood coagulation, cancer, depression and anxiety. More activity is necessary to reduce all-cause mortality,39 cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Optimal benefits for diabetes, overweight and obesity require 50–80 minutes of daily moderate-intensity activity. [1]

No one can say when sports began. Since it is impossible to imagine a time when children did not spontaneously run races or wrestle, it is clear that children have always included sports in their play, but one can only speculate about the emergence of sports as autotelic physical contests for adults. Hunters are depicted in pre.hertoric art, but it cannot be known whether the hunters pursued their prey in a mood of grim necessity or with the joyful abandon of sportsmen. It is certain, however, from the rich literary and iconographic evidence of all ancient civilizations that hunting soon became an end in itself—at least for royalty and nobility. Archaeological evidence also indicates that ball games were common among ancient peoples as different as the Chinese and the Aztecs. [3]

 If ball games were contests rather than noncompetitive ritual performances, such as the Japanese football game kemari, then they were sports in the most rigorously defined sense. That it cannot simply be assumed that they were contests is clear from the evidence presented by Greek and Roman antiquity, which indicates that ball games had been for the most part playful pastimes like those recommended for health by the Greek physician Galen in the 2nd century CE.

Cultural variation among black Africans was far greater than among the Arab peoples of the northern littoral. Ball games were rare, but wrestling of one kind or another was ubiquitous. Wrestling’s forms and functions varied from tribe to tribe. For the Nuba of southern Sudan, ritual bouts, for which men’s bodies were elaborately decorated as well as carefully trained, were the primary source of male status and prestige. The Tutsi and Hutu of Rwanda were among the peoples who staged contests between females. Among the various peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, wrestling matches were a way to celebrate or symbolically encourage human fertility and the earth’s fecundity. In southern Nigeria, for instance, Igbo tribesmen participated in wrestling matches held every eighth day throughout the three months of the rainy season; hard-fought contests, it was thought, persuaded the gods to grant abundant harvests of corn (maize) and yams. Among the Diola of the Gambia, adolescent boys and girls wrestled (though not against one another) in what was clearly a prenuptial ceremony. Male champions were married to their female counterparts. In other tribes, such as the Yala of Nigeria, the Fon of Benin, and the Njabi of the Congo, boys and girls grappled with each other. Among the Kole, it was the kin of the bride and the bridegroom who wrestled. Stick fights, which seem to have been less closely associated with religious practices, were common among many tribes, including the Zulu and Mpondo of southern Africa. [3]

خلاصه تحقیق

Want a burst of happiness and relaxation? It’s time to try physical activity. Whether you are playing sports, working out at a gym or taking a brisk walk, physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Team sports in particular provide a chance to unwind and engage in a satisfying challenge

پروژه های انجام شده

ما با تجربه‌ای گسترده در تحقیق، نویسندگی و ترجمه، پروژه‌های متعددی را با دقت، کیفیت بالا و استانداردهای علمی به انجام رسانده‌ایم.

خدمات ویژه

نگارش و تنظیم مونوگراف و تیزس ترجمه تخصصی مقالات و کتاب‌ها چاپ مقالات در ژورنال‌های معتبر برای دریافت مشاوره و همکاری ما در این پروژه ویژه، با ما تماس بگیرید! مشاوره دریافت کنید
چالش های حک.ومت داری الکترونیک در غزنی
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

دسترسي كشورهاي درحال توسعه به انواع منابع جديد انرژي، براي توسعه اقتصادي آنها اهميت اساسي دارد و پژوهش هاي جديد نشان داده كه بين سطح توسعه يك كشور و ميزان مصرف انرژي آن، رابطه مستقيمي برقرار است. با توجه به ذخاير محدود انرژي فسيلي و افزايش سطح مصرف انرژي در جهان فعلي، ديگر نمي توان به منابع موجود انرژي متكي بود.

بررسی کاربرد هوش مصنوعی در شبکه های کمپیوتری
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

هدف اصلی هوش مصنوعی ایجاد ماشین ‌هایی است که بتوانند یادگیری و هوش انسان را شبیه‌سازی کنند. از آن زمان و به مرور این تعریف گسترده ساختار پیچیده‌ تری پیدا کرده است. هوش مصنوعی در حال تغییر بازی امنیت سایبری، تجزیه و تحلیل مقادیر زیادی از داده های خطرناک برای سرعت پاسخگویی و افزایش عملیات امنیتی با منابع کم است.

بررسی سیستم عامل جدید موبایل و تبلت ها
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

یکی از جدیدترین دستاوردهای بشر در عرص ه فناور ی هوش مصنوع ی چت GPT م یباشد. این تکنولوژی ب ا درک زبان طبیعی انسان و ارائه پاس خهای دقیق به پرسشهای مطرح شده م یتواند انقلابی در AI ایجاد کند. امروزه هو ش مصنوعی به بخش عمد ه و جدایی ناپذیر زندگی انسا ن ه ا تبدی ل شد ه اس ت که کم کهای زیاد ی در حوز ههای مختل ف مانند : هو ا فضا، طب ی و ماشینسازی به م ا کرده است.

بررسی GPT-3
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

اگرچه GPT-2 در زمان خودش دستاورد مهمی محسوب میشد، ب هخاطر دسترسی به مجموعه داده محدود و تنها ۱٫۵ میلیارد پارامتر، در تولید متنهایی که بعد از چند پاراگراف تکراری و خست هکننده نشوند، قدرت مانور زیادی نداشت. ولی نسخه سوم این مدل) GPT-3 ( با ۱۷۵ میلیارد پارامتر در سال ۲۰۲۰ در فاز بتا عرضه شد؛ هرچند در اقدامی خلاف سیاستهای شرکت، کد منبع آن هرگز دراختیار عموم قرار نگرفت

امضای دیجیتال و اهمیت آن
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

امضای دیجیتال نوعی رمزنگاری نامتقارن است که خصوصیات امضای دستی را در فضای الکترونیکی فراهم می‌کند. هر موجودیت منحصر به فرد در فضای مجازی دارای امضای دیجیتالی خاص خود است و تنها این موجودیت یا فرد قادر به تولید این امضاست

Small Cell در نسل پنجم
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

انتظار میرود که تقاضا برای دیتا در سال های بعد از 2020 هزار برابر و تا سال 2025 ده هزار برابر شود. ارتباطات بیسیم فعلی که بر اساس رادیو فریکونسی است اشباع گردیده توانایی پاسخ گویی به این میزان تقاضایی که وجود دارد را ندارد. در این جاست که ضرورت به استندرد جدید به وجود می آید، که آن استندرد جدید نسل پنجم (5G) شبکه های بیسیم است. برای اقناع نیاز به دیتا ریت و ظرفیت بالا در شبکه نسل پنجم یکی از راه حل های مؤثر کوچک کردن سل است.

سیستم عامل های کامپیوتر
1403/12/23 کمپیوتر ساینس

از سالها قبل به وضوح مشخص بود که باید روش هایی یافت که برنامه نویسان را از پیچیدگی های سخت افزار دور نگه دارد. تلاشهای گسترده، منجر به ایجاد یک لایه نرم افزاری روی سخت افزار شد که همه اجزای سیستم را کنترل نموده و کار برنامه نویسان را راحت تر کند، که با ایجاد سیستم عامل این کار آسان شد

نگاهی به اوضاع جغرافیایی و فرهنگی ولایت هرات
1403/12/23 جغرافیه

این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید وتسپ:۰۷۹۹۱۱۸۸۳۱ مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است ---------------------------------------------

موقعیت جغرافیای چین
1403/12/23 جغرافیه

مملکت چین از طرف شمال به مغلستان از طرف شمال شرق به روسیه و کوریای شمالی از شرق به بحیره زرد از جنوب شرق به بحیره چین جنوبی و ویتنام از طرف جنوب به لاوس ، برما ، اسام ، هند ، بوتان و نیپال از طرف جنوب غرب به کشمیر ( هند )، از مغرب به افغانستان ، تاجکستان ، قرغزستان از طرف شمال غربی جمهوری قزاقستان محدود است کشور چین را میتوان به سه سر زمین به شرح ذیل تقسیم کرد
