Introduction of Naturalism in American Literature

Introduction of Naturalism in American Literature


 این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید


مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است


Naturalism and Realism

            In this section I will make a succinct introduction to both  realism naturalism, which are two of the most important movements in American literature; I will just address briefly the issues of the origin of these tendencies and the writer’s reaction against romanticism. Therefore the aim of this section is to define such movements in its broad sense, in order to focus on its distinctive feature later on in my easy.

            First of all I want to talk about the possible origin of these tendencies in America. Richard Lehan , in his book realism and netura; the Novel in an age of

Transition, claimed that most of the times the starting point of a new literature movement has its causes in certain changes that are taking place in society and also they can be a reaction against previous movement and its ideas. In the case of realism in America the death of an agrarian society and the birth of an industrial one produce a change both in the subject matter and technique of the novel. Therefore, realism was in part a consequence of this changes into an industrial society. These ideas may be right but we must also bear in mind another important notion when speaking of the birth of American realism, which is that of the influence of the European movements, which was extremely noticeable in naturalism; I will expand on this issue in the following points of my essay and now I will concentrate on how writers reacted against romanticism.

As Lehan declared, with realism gaining force American writers were not longer interested in the pilots and the idea that’s romantics offered them ,the rejected the heroes, and they rejected the plots with characters that followed sentiment, what they wanted were real themes and real characters that could mirror their society. These writers very concerned with the cause and effect events and consequently, the fimly believed that every act has its consequence. This is very market future in Jack Londan’s writings, where the action performed by the characters will lead to certain consequence, and many occasions these consequence will establish the different between life and death as for naturalism Laha considered  that both movement went hand in hand, the main difference was that naturalism went one step forward:

Naturalism carried Realism one step further. Added biological and philosophical component to the writing of fiction, and stressed the connection between literature and science.

Naturalism presumed that theory of environment and heredity along with Darwin and post-darwin theories of evolution would ground the literary work in a factual and scientific context. Since some American writers response against Romanticism and naturalism Richart Rahan claimed that romanticism was the moment that could be found in American in the beginning of the 19th century and naturalism was somehow a reaction against it, since it contains completely opposite ideas while in romanticism imagination was valued above other things naturalism esteemed the use of factual basis in the elaboration of their narratives. The following quotation explains perfectly these dissimilarities:

Unlike Romanticism which ideals life and valued imagination over fact naturalism represented life is a brash affair, relying on principle of objectives based on the details  observation and insisting on the existence of external forces especially heredity and environment which were subject to laws of the natural universe. Naturalism saw art emerging from life, thought of it as the product of observation informed by craft and believed that life ought to be the subject of art everywhere.

That is exactly how naturalism writers perceived life; they saw art coming out of everything. Another different between these moments as a reaction to changes that were can understand the origins of these moments as a reaction to changes that were happening in history, a change on societies mentality and reaction against the former tendencies that had taken place in Amerca.

Nevertheless trying to define American movement is connected to the European ones. However, they did not run parallel in history. European realism and naturalism begin first that is why they had a huge effect on the American versions. Thus , in order to understand American realism and Naturalism it is a must to posses certain knowledge on the subject of the foundation of such Eroupen movements.  Having made this brief introduction . I would to like labored on some of the characteristics of the movement in question. 

    Realism and Naturalism

       As I have previously said, it is universally acknowledged that both realism and naturalism appeared earlier in Europ and therefore, it is unavoidable not to make reference to the Eroup tendencies, since these American movement are closly linked to those that occurred there first American authors were inspired and influenced by Eropean writers. One of the possible connections that can be established between these tendencies is that bought American and Eroupean realism and naturalism were born in an era where cities were growing bigger and bigger and the industrialization process was expanding at full speed. In order words, the environment where these tendencies flourished was more or less similar, however, despite their connection, they may not show exactly the same features.

خلاصه تحقیق

Naturalism was first proposed and formulated by French novelist Emile Zola, and it was introduced to America by American novelist Frank Norris. It is a new and harsher realism. It is a theory in literature emphasizing scientific observation of life without idealism or avoidance of the ugly. American literature naturalists dismissed the validity of comforting moral truths.

پروژه های انجام شده

ما با تجربه‌ای گسترده در تحقیق، نویسندگی و ترجمه، پروژه‌های متعددی را با دقت، کیفیت بالا و استانداردهای علمی به انجام رسانده‌ایم.

خدمات ویژه

نگارش و تنظیم مونوگراف و تیزس ترجمه تخصصی مقالات و کتاب‌ها چاپ مقالات در ژورنال‌های معتبر برای دریافت مشاوره و همکاری ما در این پروژه ویژه، با ما تماس بگیرید! مشاوره دریافت کنید
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هدف اصلی هوش مصنوعی ایجاد ماشین ‌هایی است که بتوانند یادگیری و هوش انسان را شبیه‌سازی کنند. از آن زمان و به مرور این تعریف گسترده ساختار پیچیده‌ تری پیدا کرده است. هوش مصنوعی در حال تغییر بازی امنیت سایبری، تجزیه و تحلیل مقادیر زیادی از داده های خطرناک برای سرعت پاسخگویی و افزایش عملیات امنیتی با منابع کم است.

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یکی از جدیدترین دستاوردهای بشر در عرص ه فناور ی هوش مصنوع ی چت GPT م یباشد. این تکنولوژی ب ا درک زبان طبیعی انسان و ارائه پاس خهای دقیق به پرسشهای مطرح شده م یتواند انقلابی در AI ایجاد کند. امروزه هو ش مصنوعی به بخش عمد ه و جدایی ناپذیر زندگی انسا ن ه ا تبدی ل شد ه اس ت که کم کهای زیاد ی در حوز ههای مختل ف مانند : هو ا فضا، طب ی و ماشینسازی به م ا کرده است.

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اگرچه GPT-2 در زمان خودش دستاورد مهمی محسوب میشد، ب هخاطر دسترسی به مجموعه داده محدود و تنها ۱٫۵ میلیارد پارامتر، در تولید متنهایی که بعد از چند پاراگراف تکراری و خست هکننده نشوند، قدرت مانور زیادی نداشت. ولی نسخه سوم این مدل) GPT-3 ( با ۱۷۵ میلیارد پارامتر در سال ۲۰۲۰ در فاز بتا عرضه شد؛ هرچند در اقدامی خلاف سیاستهای شرکت، کد منبع آن هرگز دراختیار عموم قرار نگرفت

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امضای دیجیتال نوعی رمزنگاری نامتقارن است که خصوصیات امضای دستی را در فضای الکترونیکی فراهم می‌کند. هر موجودیت منحصر به فرد در فضای مجازی دارای امضای دیجیتالی خاص خود است و تنها این موجودیت یا فرد قادر به تولید این امضاست

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انتظار میرود که تقاضا برای دیتا در سال های بعد از 2020 هزار برابر و تا سال 2025 ده هزار برابر شود. ارتباطات بیسیم فعلی که بر اساس رادیو فریکونسی است اشباع گردیده توانایی پاسخ گویی به این میزان تقاضایی که وجود دارد را ندارد. در این جاست که ضرورت به استندرد جدید به وجود می آید، که آن استندرد جدید نسل پنجم (5G) شبکه های بیسیم است. برای اقناع نیاز به دیتا ریت و ظرفیت بالا در شبکه نسل پنجم یکی از راه حل های مؤثر کوچک کردن سل است.

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از سالها قبل به وضوح مشخص بود که باید روش هایی یافت که برنامه نویسان را از پیچیدگی های سخت افزار دور نگه دارد. تلاشهای گسترده، منجر به ایجاد یک لایه نرم افزاری روی سخت افزار شد که همه اجزای سیستم را کنترل نموده و کار برنامه نویسان را راحت تر کند، که با ایجاد سیستم عامل این کار آسان شد

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این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید وتسپ:۰۷۹۹۱۱۸۸۳۱ مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است ---------------------------------------------

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