این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید
مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است
Assessment is an important part of education and it has purpose or some purposes. First of all it would be felt necessary to know about the goal/goals of assessment and its definition and then talk about the formative assessment which is one type of assessment. As assessment labeled as the outcome of the 20th century, it has purposes and many definitions and defined variously in the literature. According to Mary Spratt that we assess learners for different reasons, using different kinds of test to do so. The purpose of assessment is to help the instructor to answer into two questions. First, why I assess the students and second when should I assess them? It belongs to plans of teachers why and when they assess (Dhindsa,2007). Another issue is definition of assessment. Among the many, Mary Spratt define assessment judging learners’ performance by collecting information about it Similarly, characterize assessment as a key component of teaching and learning, “a systematic process of data gathering” about students’ progress(p. 1261). In addition, based on Oxford dictionary that define assessment as an idea or a judgment about something that has been thought very carefully. In all above definition we can see that we have two words that are judgment and data or information. In short I can say that assessment is collecting data about students’ works ( Dhindsa 2007).
We can start this issue by a question. Why assessment is important? As I studied and did my research, I found some important part about assessment. According to Derek Rowntree that stated” if we wish to discover the truth about an educational system, we must first look to its assessment procedures”. (Rowntree, 1987, p1). So in here we see that assessment stated important than teaching. In addition some other researchers went further and suggested about the type of questions and declared such as Snyder and Miller and Parlett that students should be able to understand the way of responding to respond innovation in assessment Styder’s work gave a new aspect to the notion of hide curriculum- defferent from the formal curriculum and said if the student care to it will become succeed. (Sambell and McDowell, 1998).
From the beginning I found the whole thing to be a kind of exercise in time
budgeting. You had to filter out what was really important in each course … you
couldn’t physically do it all. I found out that if you did a good job of filtering out what was important you could do well enough to do well in every course.”
In short importance of assessment are as follow:
1: To show students ability.
2: To classify students based their activities and performances.
3: To know about learner’s previous knowledge.
4: To pay attention lazy and intelligent students according their ability and them project and assignment.
5: To give them score based on their implementation in the classroom.
6: To teach theme according their capacities.
7: To appreciate from active student.
As the formative assessment is new or modern form of assessment and from its name we can understand that means a type or variety of something. About formative assessment exist many definitions. As Linn and Miller define assessment of students learning as a systematic process of collecting information about students’ progress toward the learning goals. According to Wiliam and Thampson and Bloom formative assessment is introduced as in ongoing process of evaluating students’ learning, provide feedback to adjust instruction and learning, improving the curriculum. (Linn and Miller2005). (Wiliam and Thampson 2008). (Scriven1967) and (Bloom 1969. They also maintain that formative assessment is used to provide information on the likely performance of students and to describe and feedback given to students and telling them which items they got correct (p.60). in here if we see this type of assessment focus on learning and doing that how good students do their work. According Spratt, after we have finished teaching a part of course may want to find out how well learners learnt it. This is called formative assessment. we can see in this definition learning of students is necessary and it shows the effectiveness of instructor’s method that he/she has used in the classroom. Based on Coombe& Hubley that they have a good comparison and contrast between traditional and alternative assessment. Alternative assessment is different from traditional assessment in that is actually asks students to show what they integrate and produce rather than on what they are able to recall and produce. Bailey provides us with a very useful chart that effectively contrast traditional and alternative assessment (see Figure 1) (Bailey 1998).
Traditional Assessment | Alternative Assessment |
One-shot test | Continues, longtitudinal assessment |
Indirect test | Direct test |
Inauthentic test | Authentic test |
Individual projects | Group projects |
Not feedback provided to learners | Feedback provided to learners |
Timed exam | Ultimate exam |
Decontextualized test tasks | Contextualized test task |
Norm-reference score interpretation | Criterion-referenced score interpretation |
Standardized tests | Classroom-based tests |
Assessment for learning turns the classroom assessment process and its result into an instructional intervention designed to increase, not merely monitor, student learning (Bailey 1998).
In assessment for learning, the key question is, what comes next in the learning? The decision makers are teachers and their students. And, the information required centers on where the student is now in the progression of learning up to mastery of such academic achievement standard.
The key features and roles in assessment for learning is, perhaps the most unique feature is that it acknowledges the critical importance the instructional decisions made by students and their teachers working as a team. In that context students become if assessment information too, using evidence of their own progress to understand what comes next for them. Another unique feature is its reliance on standards based curriculum maps cast both in student and teacher friendly visions so that what has been learned and what comes next is clear to all throughout the learning. This leads directly to our second reason for assessing: if we assess to motivates by helping students to try to learn, assessment for learning motivates by helping them believe that success is within reach if they keep trying. Based on authors opinion that the main feature of formative assessment is assessment for student learning. Thus, it becomes clear that assessment for learning cannot happen just once a year or quarterly or even weekly. It must continue throughout the learning. To accomplish this, the teacher’s classroom assessment role must play out in five parts:
In this section let me express the main purpose of choosing and investigating about this topic which is assessment and kinds of assessment. Apart from other things, two issues are very important in this monograph? and I want to tell all people, who want to study this monograph? First of all this topic is completely new in this university and no one has investigated about it