این یک مونوگراف تکمیل بوده شما میتوانید با پیام گذاشتن به وتسپ ما آن را دریافت کنید
مونوگراف به صورت تضمینی بوده که نیاز به تغیرات ندارد و قبلا دفاع شده است
management is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Since organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to manage oneself, a pre-requisite to attempting to manage others.[1]
strategic operations. Such identification processes include: scanning and monitoring, technology forecasting, customer's orientation, technology intelligence, data collection and benchmarking. Such work will show how the business identifies the technologies it uses, how the company forecasts for success of new technology, how scanning and monitoring for the new technologies are performed, how the company identifies the customer needs and requirements, and what are the main factors that affect the identification process.[1]
selection of those technologies that are chosen to support companies and organization. Such processes include: scenario analysis, portfolio analysis, expert judgment, decision criteria and financial analysis. Since technology selection requires one to make accurate decisions with regards to the correct
technologies, it is crucial for the organization. This is especially so when decisions are made that require long term investments. Also, the business must concentrate on quantitative, qualitative, intangible and tangible criteria in the selection of its technology. This process is necessary so that the business adopts systematic procedure in its selection process. Acquisition of technologies that have been selected. Example processes include internal research and development, Joint Ventures, Organizational Change, Project Management, Licensing, corporate mergers and acquisitions, technology transfer, technology insertion. Protection of knowledge and expertise. Processes include patenting, contracts, risk assessment, copyrights, staff retention, security management. Exploitation of technologies. Example processes include process improvements, licensing, new product development, and supply chain management.[2]
There are different types of management styles, and the management process has changed over recent years. The addition of work teams and servant leadership has changed what is expected from managers, and what managers expect from their employees. [2]
There is a hierarchy of employees, low level management, mid-level management, and senior management. In traditional management systems, the manager sets out expectations for the employees who need to meet goals, but the manager receives the reward of meeting those goals. [2]
In a team management arrangement the manager is a guiding hand to help the members of the team work together to solve problems but doesn’t dictate policy and the entire team receives the reward of meeting those goals.
With this approach, the manager helps supply resources the employees need to meet company goals. In servant leadership, the organization recognizes employees as experts in their field and work to help them work efficiently. [2]
No matter which type of management style is used by an organization, the main objective of managers is to help employees reach company goals and maintain company standards and policies.
Management is needed in order to facilitate a coordinated effort toward the accomplishment of an organization’s goals. [2]
Management is the process of setting and reaching goals effectively and efficiently. Management process has some qualities or features;
Data analytics is the process of selecting relevant data with the purpose of researching and making decisions based on the information it provides. This analysis is done in an effort to prove or disprove current business assumptions and improve decision making in the business environment as well as perform maintenance operations on business functions